Showing posts with label Ranbir Kapoor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ranbir Kapoor. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Barfi, Very Sweet

I know it would be stupid if I write a review on Barfi, now. But then I happened to watch it only now.

Here is a single, though complex, sentence review. A love triangle revolving around Ranbir who is deaf and dumb, Priyanka who is autistic and Ileana who is normal. One of the best movies that I have watched.

While I wouldn't get into further details, the moral of the story is if you are in love then just follow your heart.

There is an important scene in the movie where a concerned but understanding Rupa Ganguli, mother of Ileana, narrates how she dealt with her own love story. She says that despite being in love she chose to marry a different person because that was the practical thing to do. Ileana takes her mother's advice seriously and gets married to the practical choice.

This made me think of my own life, the "love" life. Did I follow my heart or head? "Love" happened more than once in my life and my mother also had at least two Rupa Ganguli moments with me. In one case I listened to her advice and in the other I didn't resulting in the end of my "love" life. I mean I got married to the girl of my choice, finally.

While the movie enthralled me, I was left with two disturbing thoughts.

  1. Considering our heart falls in love often and at times early on in life, this movie can send wrong signals. Looking back, I do feel that my mother's Rupa Ganguli moments definitely saved me at least once from a marriage that would have turned out to be disaster. But then, in another case Rupa Ganguli did not win. So, when should you follow your head and when should you follow your heart. I presume heart takes the precedence and but one shouldn't lose head. After all, love before marriage and love after marriage are two different species. Married friends might know this better. 
  2. Just because you have chosen to heed to Rupa Ganguli advice doesn't mean your life has to be bereft of any romance with the practical choice. I didn't like this portrayal in the movie. How can it be that both Rupa Ganguli and Illeana can't get over their puppy love? As the Titan ad says - Move On! 

But then it is a movie and it is Anurag Basu's take. While Ranbir is a natural talent, I did like Priyanka's performance a lot.